Jottings from The Chairman

As we enter the 2020’s the hunt has begun for the Best Kept places in the country. Cities, Town, Villages, and Housing Areas are all again encouraged to enter the prestigious Best Kept Awards.

Generously sponsored by George Best Belfast City Airport, the awards aim to highlight and recognise outstanding community spirit and the dedication of individuals who volunteer their time to improve their environmental surroundings.

Each year we continue to be inspired by the many people we meet as part of this process. We are proud that the Best Kept Awards have such a rich history of discovering and rewarding communities and individuals. Their selfless commitment and enthusiasm for creating and caring for their beautiful surroundings is truly amazing.

We are certain that this year we will uncover even more inspirational stories, which we can’t wait to hear, let us all help to support our built and natural environment – it is one of our greatest assets and we all share the responsibility for protecting and improving it for current and future generations.

The importance is not solely in working for the honour of winning but in the real satisfaction and benefit to all that comes through teamwork, cooperation and a good community spirit which gives us all that sense of civic pride.

Resolve to involve in 2022 – enter now and start sowing, growing, digging and hoeing.

Meantime, keep calm and keep on weeding!

Doreen E A Muskett MBE,
Northern Ireland Amenity Council